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The story of King Leonidas and the Spartan 300 warriors who accompanied him to the Gates of Fire (that is, in fact, Thermopylae) has fascinated generations of people from all over the world It's a story told uninterrupted for over 2,000 years, about one of the most tragic confrontations in history Yet, it is a true story?The only ones who will remain to face the Spartans had to be, accompanied by loyal hoplitii and a small group of Thebans that, it seems that Leonidas would have kept weapons under threat of death Although the fight was one brief, it would be perhaps the bloodiest of all those beforeQuotations from the Greek hero Leonidas resound of bravery and a foreknowledge of his doom Leonidas (Mid 6th century–480 BCE) was the king of Sparta who led the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BCE) The Persian War was a 50 year series of conflicts between the Greeks and the Persians, for control of the Mediterranean How To Grow A King Leonidas Beard Style New Guide Leonidas r...